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The browser extension 'plug-in' is required for participation in this study. It will only collect data on the groceries you purchase on the supermarket's website and will not gather any other data from the supermarket's website or any other sites.  

The browser extension 'plug-in' was developed by a company called Sustained, a legitimate company, working with food industries to design and manufacture eco-friendly products. Sustained engineering team review the extension for malicious content regularly.  

Currently, the browser extension is designed to only work with the Google Chrome browser on a laptop or desktop. Therefore, to participate in the study, you need to shop using the Google Chrome browser on a laptop or desktop. 

Once installed at the start of the study, the browser extension will automatically work when you complete your normal online grocery shopping on using the Chrome browser. The study will last for 8 weeks (2 months). We will let you know when the study has ended and you can uninstall the browser extension at the end of the study period if you wish. You may also choose to keep the browser extension installed after the trial ends. 

We will use the data collected to understand grocery shopping behaviours and recommend ways to promote sustainable and healthier food choices in the UK. Only the researchers will have access to the data. They will not be shared with Tesco or anyone else.