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Sarah Mounsey

Postdoctoral Researcher

Sarah’s research centres around providing robust evidence to inform policy for diet-related noncommunicable disease prevention in both the UK and globally. She utilises lifetable modelling to provide estimates of health and economic impacts of interventions aimed at improving human and planetary health.

Sarah completed her PhD in 2023 at the University of Sydney. The research was on health taxes and specifically, explored the political economy of sugar-sweetened taxes (SSBs) in the Pacific Islands of Fiji and Tonga.  Using lifetable models, she modelled the health and economic impacts of increasing the currently implemented SSB taxes in Fiji, findings which have recently helped inform policy decision making for SSB tax increases in the region.

Aligning with this research, Sarah has done consultancy work for the World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) which focussed on policy analysis, health modelling, nutrient profile modelling and policy briefs.

Sarah’s background is in clinical biochemistry within UK hospital laboratories, specialising in analysis of inborn errors of metabolism, protein analysis for multiple myeloma and mass spectrometry for immunosuppressant drug monitoring.